Dental Cleanings & Checkups in Richmond

Dental Cleanings & Checkups Near You

The role Dental cleanings and checkups play is vital in preventing dental problems and ensuring overall oral health. These routine appointments, highly recommended every six months, involve professional cleanings and comprehensive examinations. Whether you’re in the vicinity or a bit further away, Clear Dental can be your go-to dentist for dental cleanings and checkups near you.

What are Dental Cleanings and Checkups?

When you receive a professional dental cleaning, the plaque and tartar are taken off your teeth. While plaque is a film of bacteria that forms and sticks to your teeth, tartar is what it hardens into. This happens over time, even with regular oral care, but tartar cannot be removed by brushing alone. 

A dental checkup includes a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth. We look for signs of issues such as cavities, gum problems, oral cancer traces, and any other dental issues. Some things aren’t visible to the naked eye and require X-rays to be detected.

We also provide fluoride treatment which is when we put a concentrated fluoride solution on your teeth. It helps to greatly strengthen enamel and prevent cavities.

Issues They Help With

  • Cavities and Tooth Decay – Regular cleanings take plaque and tartar off of your teeth. They are the primary causes of cavities and tooth decay. Checkups allow for early detection of cavities, preventing them from becoming more serious.
  • Gum Disease – Cleanings play a huge role in the prevention of gum disease. They clean away the bacteria that cause inflammation and infection of the gums. Checkups enable early detection so that the issues don’t progress and require more substantial interventions.
  • Oral Cancer – During checkups, dentists screen for signs of oral cancer. Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes.
  • Other Dental Issues – Regular exams can reveal a variety of other dental issues, such as misaligned teeth, bruxism (teeth grinding), and problems with fillings or crowns.

Benefits of Dental Cleanings and Checkups

  • Prevention – Regular cleanings and checkups prevent dental issues from developing or worsening. Keeping your smile healthy keeps you from issues that lead to pain, discomfort, and costly treatments in the future.
  • Early Detection – Routine checkups allow for the early detection of dental problems, which can be treated more effectively when caught early.
  • Improved Oral Health – Overall oral health improves when plaque and tartar are taken off your teeth and it prevents bad breath.
  • Aesthetic Benefits – Cleanings can help remove surface stains, leading to a brighter, more attractive smile.
  • Overall Health – Oral health affects the rest of your health. Regular dental visits to keep oral health in check play a role in preventing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Process of Receiving Dental Cleanings and Checkups

  1. Upon arrival at the dental office, you’ll check in and provide any necessary information about your medical and dental history.
  2. X-rays may be taken to provide a comprehensive view of your teeth and jaw.
  3. A dental hygienist will perform the scaling to remove plaque and tartar, the polishing to remove surface stains, and the flossing between your teeth.
  4. We apply fluoride in either a gel, foam, or varnish, allowing it to sit on the teeth for a few minutes to maximize its protective benefits.
  5. We carefully and thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and mouth. We have to check for cavities and gum disease, screen for oral cancer, and keep an eye out for any other dental issues.
  6. We discuss the results of the examination with you, provide recommendations for any necessary treatments, and offer advice on maintaining good oral hygiene.
  7. Finally, you’ll schedule your next checkup and cleaning, usually six months later.

Searching for a Provider of Dental Cleanings and Checkups Near You?

By choosing Clear Dental for dental cleanings and checkups in Richmond, you are taking a proactive step towards a healthier, brighter smile. We can support your oral health and help prevent potential issues before they become serious. Schedule your appointment today!